Please carefully read the following terms and conditions relating to your participation in Nitin Chhoda’s Referral Ignition 2015 (the “Seminar”) and is conducted by Total Activation LLC (“Promoter”). By registering for the Seminar at any one of our locations (“Hotel”) or any other means, you (the “Buyer”) signify your acceptance of any obligation to these terms and conditions. If you have objections to the following Terms and Conditions, you should not register for or attend the Seminar.
Buyer Conduct
Promoter requires all Buyers to be respectful and professional to our staff, location hosts, speakers, and other Buyers and their guests or families throughout the Seminar, even during non-scheduled downtime and breaks. Promoter reserves the right to ask Buyer and/or their guests to leave the conference room and Hotel immediately should they be deemed rude, uncooperative, unprofessional, intoxicated or in possession of alcohol or any illegal substance or should they be soliciting a product or service to any attendee. This determination is made at the discretion of the promoter and in such case, the Buyer’s tuition/fees for the Seminar will not be reimbursed under any circumstances and they will not receive any of our advertised bonuses or qualify for our satisfaction guarantee or any other written or implied guarantee.
Liability Waiver
Under no circumstances will Promoter, or their assigns be held liability for Buyer’s injury or death or any loss or damage of personal belongings resulting from participation in the Seminar. Buyer hereby accepts all risk to his or her health including injury or death that may result from participating in the Seminar and hereby releases Promoter, and their officers, employees, interns, contractors, sponsors and representatives from any and all liability to his or herself and their personal representatives, estate, heirs, next of kin, and assigns for any and all claims and causes of action for loss of or damage to Buyer’s property and for any and all illness or injury to Buyer’s person, including death, that may result from or occur during Buyer’s participation at the Seminar, whether caused by negligence of the Promoter or its representatives. Buyer agrees to notify Promoter if he/she has any medical or psychological conditions that may hamper them from fully and healthfully participating in the Seminar and acknowledges that the Promoter retains the right to ask them not participate in portions of or the entirety of the Seminar. Buyer acknowledges and agrees to be financially responsible for any medical or legal bills that may be incurred as result of participation in the seminar including any emergency medical treatment. Promoter does not give legal or financial advice and under no circumstances will be held liable for results.
Cancellation and No-Show Policy
Once Buyer registers for the Seminar or purchases the Course, we make extensive arrangements and investments while anticipating their tuition and attendance, and, in the case of their cancellation or non attendance, we incur significant administration hassles, expenses, and loss of business.
Given this fact, we do not accept cancellations or issue refunds for no-shows after Buyer and / or Guests have registered for the Seminar.
This is due to the extremely limited seating for an event of this nature and with this caliber of speakers and because preparations begin immediately upon registration for the event.
If for whatever reason you are unable to attend the live event after you have purchased, we will attempt to transfer your ticket to someone else or allow you to attend a future Nitin Chhoda event on the same topic at Promoter’s discretion. We will do our best, but this is not a guarantee.
Attendee Satisfaction Guarantee
As stated on our Site and in our marketing materials, we guarantee the Buyer who attends the seminar will be 100% satisfied with the Seminar.
If Buyer attends all sessions on day one and day two, and is not 100% satisfied at the conclusion of day two of the event and they notify us in the manner described herein, we will refund 100% of their ticket price. Participants who are not 100% satisfied with the Seminar must, at the immediate conclusion of day two of the Seminar, verbally notify one of our staff members of their dissatisfaction on or before 8 pm EST on day two, at which time we will arrange for a reimbursement of their tuition.
Only the primary attendee is eligible, and guests are not entitled to this satisfaction guarantee. Also, primary attendees who do not attend all sessions on day one and day two are not eligible for this satisfaction guarantee. All reimbursements are at the sole discretion of the Promoter and all Promoter decisions are final and binding. Any statements of dissatisfaction or requests for refunds received after the end of day two of the the live event will not qualify for this guarantee.
Contact Information
Referral Ignition
8D Yacenda Drive, Suite 100, Morris Plains, NJ 07950
Telephone: (973) 797-9282Email: ian@ReferralIgnition.com